Sunday, September 2, 2018

gps module and arduino


GPS stands for Global Positioning System and can be used to determine position, time, and speed

Wire the NEO-6M GPS module to your Arduino by following the schematic below.

      The module GND pin is connected to Arduino GND pin

·         The module RX pin is connected to Arduino pin 3

·         The module TX pin is connected to Arduino pin 4

·         The module VCC pin is connected to Arduino 5V pin


// The serial connection to the GPS module

void setup(){

void loop(){
    // get the byte data from the GPS;



GP after the $ indicates it is a GPS position.

·         110617 – represents the time at which the fix location was taken, 11:06:17 UTC

·         41XX.XXXXX,N – latitude 41 deg XX.XXXXX’ N

·         00831.54761,W – Longitude 008 deg 31.54761′ W

·         1 – fix quality (0 = invalid; 1= GPS fix; 2 = DGPS fix; 3 = PPS fix; 4 = Real Time Kinematic; 5 = Float RTK; 6 = estimated (dead reckoning); 7 = Manual input mode; 8 = Simulation mode)

·         05 – number of satellites being tracked

·         $GPGSA – GPS active satellites

·         $GPGSV – Detailed GPS satellite information

·         $GPGLL – Geographic Latitude and Longitude

·         $GPRMC – Essential GPS pvt (position, velocity, time) data

Tech IOT Web Developer

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